Try to imagine driving out of town for a vacation. As you are going near to a stop sign, your foot hits the brakes and to your surprise nothing happens! What is supposed to be a day full of fun for your family will turn into a nightmare because of an accident. No matter what brand, model or type of towed vehicle you have, checking and getting high quality brake systems are important.

High Quality Brakes for Your Safety

There is no specific schedule that will dictate you when it is already time to change your car’s brake pads. Their deterioration will depend on various factors such as the length of time you have been driving your car, the climate, and how often you use your brakes to stop. You will need to depend on your gutfeel, keen observation, and the advice of an expert automotive technician.

Have your brakes checked when you have your tires rotated once or twice a year. The mechanic will inspect the thickness of your brake pads and the state of the brake hardware in order to detect any wear and tear.

Replace Your Brakes for Safety with ISP Islington

Our team of experts at ISP Islington has searched far and wide for the best brake pads and hardware. We ensure that our customers will drive without worrying about safety matters. We offer the following brake parts and hardware:

brakes services

Have Your Brakes Replaced with Superior Parts from ISP Islington

ISP Islington has over 30 years of experience in supplying trailer and car parts and accessories to Newcastle and the rest of Australia. Browse through our online catalogue to see the various models of brakes and other car parts that we have in store for you. Confused on what type will perfectly match your car? Visit us in our showroom at 122-140 Maitland Road, Islington, NSW or give us a call at 49691722 for enquiries.